A multinational Food Manufacturer producing some of Australia’s best-known brands used an Excel spreadsheet to consolidate and analyse performance data collected from sensors on the production floor.
Because of the amount of manual effort required to consolidate the raw data, only a few of the more than a dozen production lines were analysed in detail. To analyse a week worth of data took up to two days. Analysing longer periods was almost impossible.
All analysis was retrospective so performance feedback to shift managers in a time frame where they could improve current running conditions was impossible.
SES was engaged to replace the spreadsheet and within a couple of weeks had the first working version of the new solution ready for testing.
As well as quickly analysing performance data, the new solution also overlays downtime information so that the causes of performance losses are quickly identified and fed back to the shop floor operators in real time so that they can improve the current operating performance of the production lines.
- Overlay downtime and performance information
- Generate summary information from each production run across all lines
- Identify efficiency drains on factory throughput
- Highlight products that have consistently low efficiencies
- Provide a self-service portal for Shift Managers
- Generate up to date feedback for line operators in real time
- Large volumes of production data need to be analysed for each key piece of equipment
- Manually intensive
- Not all production lines are analysed
- Data doesn’t differentiate between setups, change-overs, running states
- Difficult to relate downtime reasons to low operating performance
Key Outcomes
- Performance and downtime data seamlessly overlaid for all lines
- It takes only 30 seconds to analyse 6 months of shop floor data
- Automatically identifies performance against KPIs
- Shift Managers can perform their own analysis whenever they require it
- Real time feedback to shop floor operators on the cause of performance losses
- Additional decision support detail

Contact Us
Call us ( +61 1300 737 500) or send us a message to discuss your needs.
We will then organise a free, no-obligation Zoom meeting to look at and discuss your spreadsheet in more detail.